The Joy of the Good Shepherd (07/28/24)

Jul 28, 2024    Jason Barley

Don't let the taskmasters of life burden you down and strip you of your peace and joy! When we identity the taskmasters, we take away their power by turning away from them and following the good shepherd.

Jason Barley

At True Life Church, Universal City, Texas


Sermon: The Joy of the Good Shepherd

Series: JOY

Are you lacking joy? Do you often feel bogged down with heaviness, tiredness, worry, or shame? God has promised each one of us joy that abides regardless of our circumstances, but He only offers His way. We can all have joy if we are willing to accept God's gift through Jesus Christ. In this series, we will be exploring the promise of joy, the ways we can experience joy in our daily life, and how other men and women from Bible act as a model for us to have joy today.